Tattoo News - December 2010 HAPPY HOLIDAYS
GIFT IDEAS: Since the holidays are nearly here's a suggestion for a great gift-a signed copy of The Polynesian Tattoo Today, with a personalized dedication. With shipping within the US, the price is $28.00. Shipping costs vary from one country to the next, but with shipping to MOST foreign countries, it's a total of $38.00 Please see We can ship to you, or directly to your recipient with a gift card. Remember, if you are a contributor, you can purchase copies for 30% off! E-mail me at
TATTOOISTS: Samoan tattooist "Q" of House of Ink has a 50 page sketchbook of tattoo flash. Q is a master at recombining traditional elements in new ways. Buy his sketchbook/flash online at
The new Pacific Island Ethnic Art Museum is now open in Long Beach, CA. Dr. Robert Gumbier, the founder, had a clear vision that has finally come to fruition-the museum is small, but unique and the presentation impressive. It is well-worth a visit if you are in the Long Beach area. Details:
An excellent collection of photos and essays on Pacific art is on the Metropolitan Museum of Art's website. Click the individual geographic areas listed for slideshows and descriptions.
Professor Christopher Witcombe of Sweet Briar College has compiled a large archive of photographs of Pacific art from numerous cultures, many of which include tattoo:
TRAVEL AND TATTOO SCHEDULE: Dec 18th - mid-Feb: in Hawai'i mid-Jan - early Feb: Maui and Big Island, if interest warrants the trip. Late-Feb, March & early April: Oceanside, LA and SF & perhaps San Luis Obispo (if interest is there).
This trip I do still have openings in all areas, including perhaps Maui and the island of Hawaii. Please call me at (808) 734-8677 or you can e-mail but I talk FAR faster than I type so prefer the phone whenever possible.
The deadline for the next mainland trip is Jan 10th but as always, the sooner you sign up, the better, as it allows us more time to communicate & work on your art and gives you higher priority in scheduling. Details are on my website at During my spring trip next year, I may be stopping in San Luis Obispo IF there are enough serious clients to justify my stay. Let me know if you are in the area & serious about some ink.
GIFT CERTIFICATES: Keep in mind that my sign-ups are all computerized so it is EASY to keep running credits for clients. Hence I can easily do GIFT CERTIFICATES in any increments of $25.00. If it is for a new client, my recommendation is the $100 deposit fee, which is applied to the cost of their final session. If you are a regular client, tell your friends to gift you some ink! Just pass on my contact information. The buyer will be e-mailed a nice color certificate that they can print & wrap up to surprise you!
If you are a new client, the FAQ link on my website has quite a bit of info on the process-it may help to read it over:
Aloha, Tricia