Tattoo Traditions of Polynesia
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Employment History

My introduction to employment in the arts was at the Denver Art Museum in 1978 as a student intern under Richard Conn in the Native Arts Department. Upon completion of my Bachelor's degree I accepted employment at the museum where I continued for three years in various capacities (Assistant Archivist, Herbert Bayer Archives; Assistant Curator, Native Arts Department; Assistant in Special Installations).

In order to pursue a graduate degree, I later relocated to Hawai'i and enrolled at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Although initially enrolled in the Art Department, I transferred to Anthropology seeking a more multi- disciplinary approach. While at UHM I had a half-time lecturer positions in the Art History and a teaching assistantship in Anthropology for the duration of my graduate studies.

Since completing my MA, I have been largely self-employed as a tattooist and have had occasional freelance and contractual work. I regularly substitute and guest lecture for several instructors at UHM and I've lectured extensively at various conferences and institutions. My contractual work has included involvement in several documentary film projects (CBS News 48 hours, A&E's Ancient Mysteries, the History Channel), as well as guest curating and participating in numerous museum and gallery exhibitions (Honolulu Academy of Arts, Mission Houses Museum, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo among others).

I've continued to lecture and write both for academic audiences as well as general interest magazines and am available to guest lecture on the arts of the Pacific. References and details provided upon request.

1989- 2002 University of Hawai'i at Manoa
M.A. Degree Awarded:  August 1992
Cultural Anthropology  
Thesis: A Re-evaluation of Marquesan Tattooing
Coursework completed for the Doctoral Degree.
1981 Colorado Women's College,  Denver
B.A. Degree Awarded
Double major: Art History and Philosophy
Magna Cum Laude   
Academic Appointments/Affiliations
2013 to Present   Adjunct Instructor
Pacific and Hawaiian Studies. Windward Community Collevge, University of Hawai'i
September 1997 - 2005 Lecturer on Polynesian art and culture.
Pacific Asian Affairs Council.
January 1993 - 1997 Fieldwork
Five years extensive travel and research in Polynesia documenting the revitalization of the arts.
August 1990 - December 1992 Teaching Assistant
Dept. of Anthropology,  University of Hawai'i
Courses: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology,  Human Adaptation.                                                                                                    
August 1990 - December 1992 Student/Faculty Representative
Dept. of Anthropology, University of Hawai'i 
August 1990 - December 1992 President
Hawaiian Anthropological Association
August 1989 - May 1990 Lecturer  (half-time)
Dept.  of  Art  History,  University of Hawai'i
Courses:   Art of the Pacific, Art of Hawai'i
2010 The Polynesian Tattoo Today. Mutual Publishing, Honolulu, HI
First place winner in two categories, Ka Palapala Po'okela Awards
2005 Tattoo Traditions of Hawai'i. Mutual Publishing, Honolulu, HI
First place winner in the Reader's Choice category, Ka Palapala Po'okela Awards
2001 Ke Kakau 'ana i ka Wawae:  The Tattooing of Legs in Hawai'i.  Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Easter Island and East Polynesia. The Easter Island Foundation. The Fifth International Conference on Easter Island and East Polynesia,
2001 Tatau Taputapuatea: The First Tahitian Tattoo Festival.  International Tattoo Art.  Jan. 2001. Butterfly Publications.  New York.
2000 The Mark of the Ancestors: The Rebirth of Polynesian Tattooing.  Hana Hou!  The Magazine of Hawaiian Airlines.  Vol. 3/No. 5 Oct./Nov. 2000.  Pacific Travelogue, Inc. Honolulu.
1999 Marshall-InselnTattoo-Renaissance.  Tatowier Magazin.  Marz 1999/6.Jg./No.37.            Huber Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, Mannheim
1998 Tattoo-Renaissance auf den Marquesas. Tatowier Magazin. November  1998/5.Jg./No.33. Huber Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, Mannheim.
1998 Marquesas-InselnTattoo.  Tatowier Magazin. September 1998/5.Jg./No.31. Huber Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, Mannheim.    
1998 Tonga-Tattoos.  Tatowier Magazin. Mai 1998/5.Jg./No.27.Huber Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, Mannheim.   
1998 Kunst unter Palmen.   Tatowier Magazin. Februar 1998/5.Jahrgang./Heft No. 24. Huber Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, Mannheim.  
1998 The Tattooed Hand in Hawai'i: a Function of the Traditional Kapu System. Easter Island in the Pacific Context. South Seas Symposium, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Easter Island and East Polynesia.  The Easter Island Foundation.
1997 Bruno's Magic Circus of Samoa. Tatowier Magazin. Juni 1997/4. Jahrgang./Heft No.20. Huber Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, Mannheim.   
1994 S. Millerstrom, co-author.  Carved Rocks and Punctured Skins: An Analysis of Corresponding Tattoo and Carved Rock Images and Their Social Implications in the Ancestral Marquesas Islands. Proceedings of the International Rock Art Congress.
1991 European Explorers and Marquesan Tattooing.   Hardy Marks Publishing, Honolulu.
Conference Presentations
2010 A Tattoo Tour of Polynesia. National Tattoo Convention, Seattle, WA.
2005 Tattoo: Gender and Geography. The Pacific Arts Association Conference, Peabody Museum at Salem, MA.
2000 Ke Kakau ‘ana i ka Wawae:  The Tattooing of Legs in Hawai'i. South Seas Symposium,   The Fifth International Conference on Easter Island and East Polynesia, Waimea, HI.
1998 A Tattoo Tour of Polynesia.  Northern Ink Exposure, Toronto, Ontario.
1998 The Tattooed Hand in Hawai'i: a Function of the Traditional Kapu System. South Seas Symposium, The Fourth International Conference on Easter Island and Eastern Polynesia, Alburquerque, NM.
1997 The Tattoo Traditions of Eastern Polynesia.  Canadian Tattooists Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
1994 Tatau: The Tahitian Revival.  National Tattoo Convention, San Francisco, CA
1993 Dances with Moai: the effects of a Hollywood Production on Rapa  Nui. The International Conference on Easter Island Research, Laramie, WY.
1993 The Revival of Traditional Polynesian Tattooing on Rapa Nui. The International Conference on Easter Island Research, Laramie, WY.
1992 A Re-Analysis of Handy's Evaluation of Marquesan Tattooing.  U.C.L.A Graduate Student Symposium in Art History. Los Angeles, CA.  
1990 Tattoo Traditions of Eastern Polynesia: Continuities in Motif,  Myth & Artifacts.  Department of Anthropology, University of Hawai'i.
Other Recent Seminars and Presentations
2011 Tattoo Traditions of Oceania. Sexto Encuentro Mundial Arte Corporal, Caracas, Venezuela.
2011 A 3-part lecture series on Polynesian Tattoo at Windward Community College, Kaneohe, HI.
2010 A Tattoo Tour of Polynesia. The University of Hawai'i at Hilo, HI.
2010 The Art of Polynesian Tattoo. Santa Monica College, CA.
2009 Tattoo Traditions of Hawai'i.  Ka ‘Aha Hula ‘O Halauaola 2009 World Hula Conference,  Kamehameha School Campus, O'ahu.     
2008 A Tattoo Tour of Polynesia. The Common Book Program, Windward Community College, HI.
2007 People and Places of Hawai'i: the Original Illustrations of Luis Choris and Jacques Arago. Maui Celebration of the Arts at the Ritz-Carlton at Kapalua, Maui.
2006 Tattoo Traditions of Polynesia. The Honolulu Academy of Arts in conjunction with the Cook/Forester Exhibition.
2006 Tattoo, Gender and Geography in the Pacific. Maui Celebration of the Arts at the Ritz-Carlton at Kapalua, Maui.
2005 Tattoo Traditions of the Marquesas Islands. A Merrie Monarch event at The Lyman Museum, Hilo, HI.
2004 Tattoo Traditions of Polynesia, Leeward Community College, HI.
2003 Tattoo Traditions of Hawai`i.. Maui Celebration of the Arts at the Ritz-Carlton at Kapalua, Maui.
2002 A two-part series: The Ancient Art of Polynesian Tattoo, The Hawaiian Tattoo Today. Lyon Arboretum, HI.
2002 A Tattoo Tour of Polynesia. Na Mamo ‘O Kaliponi, Fullerton, CA.
P.O. Box 61967
(808) 734-8677
Honolulu, HI, 96839
Hawai'i: (808) 734-8677

Copyright © 1999 - 2025 Tricia Allen