Guys, If it is in an area where you have a lot of body
hair, shave 24 hours before. Don't worry about a clean
shave-- a few hairs is ok. Above all, don't nick or cut
Try to get a good restful sleep on the night prior to
your appointment. We don't want you exhausted. Don't
party too much the night before. A few beers or a glass
of wine is fine, but keep it to a minimum.
Eat something an hour or two before your appointment
time. Don't come with a completely empty stomach.
Protein is good. Don't eat a lot of sugars and avoid
smoked or heavily processed meats like hot dogs, spam or
sausage. Sodium nitrates and sugars can make you swell
more. Eat something relatively healthy.
Wear something appropriate. Remember what part of your
body we need access to. Darker colors are better. Don't
wear something brand new & white, as we are likely to
get some ink on it.
Pick up some A & D Ointment-- the baby diaper stuff in
the white & gold color box/tube (NOT the blue one).
Don't get generic. Longs, Rite-Aid, Save-On, or any
place that sells diapers has it. Sometimes they have
smaller tubes in with first-aid stuff. You'll need this
And above all, RELAX! It will go fine!